Join Dr. Jennifer at Mom Camp 2018!


Join Dr. Jennifer Degler at Mom Camp at Pine Cove in April 2018!


I am so excited to speak on two different topics at Mom Camp at Pine Cove in Tyler, TX on April 20 – 22, 2018! I’ll be doing a breakout session on “Making Your Marriage Sizzle” and from the main stage, I’ll be speaking on “Jesus at the Beach: Finding Contentment When Life Isn’t Working Out Like You Expected.” And when Jesus shows up at the beach, He comes bringing life-giving hope, refreshing encouragement, and eye-opening truths so we are set free as moms to embrace our life—even when it looks different than we expected.

What in your life isn’t working out like you planned? Maybe when your child was a baby, you imagined him excelling in life, but now he’s struggling in school or to make friends or to obey his teachers. Or perhaps you dreamed of having a big family, but infertility unexpectedly made having kids a painful and lengthy process. Maybe when you were first married, you had such happy visions for your future, and now being married has turned out to be really hard, or your marriage ended in divorce.

When life doesn’t work out like we planned, discontentment and discouragement usually rear their ugly heads. After all, everyone else’s life seems to be working out just fine! Your neighbors’ younger kids are on the honor roll, their older kid got into Yale, and they just went on a second honeymoon to Hawaii! Am I the only mom who struggles to find contentment when life happens, and then happens again…and again?

Jesus shows up at the beach to show us 9 steps to finding contentment as moms when our lives turn out different than we expected. John chapter 21 will come alive as Jesus teaches us how to:
1) Recognize and stop doing whatever is not working in our unexpected situation.
2) Do the right thing in our situation, even when it’s hard.
3) Get to Jesus even if we currently feel like a hot mess.
4) Practice guilt-free, good self-care.
5) Meet our real needs instead of accumulating stuff to soothe our disappointed heart.
6) Let Jesus redeem our regrets so they don’t destroy our contentment.
7) Learn to love others well even when they are hard to love.
8) Surrender to Jesus’ plan for our life even if we don’t like it.
9) Quit playing the comparison game and practice thankfulness instead.

“Jesus at the Beach” is my heart’s message after struggling to find contentment during a recent, difficult period in my own life that was filled with frustration and loss. We will laugh, learn, and maybe even shed a few tears together as we join Jesus at the beach.

You can learn more about Mom Camp at Pine Cove here. Get your friends together for this great mom getaway!

Comments 2

  1. Belinda Taylor
    March 1, 2018

    How much is the cost of Mom camp individual or group

    1. JenniferDegler
      March 5, 2018

      Hi Belinda! Mom Camp is $180 a person. Call 877-474- 6326 to get more details or make your reservation! I am not sure if there is a group price.

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