January 2019 Dare of the Month!

This Month's Dare

January 2019 Crack the Code Dare

Start 2019 off with a bang by completing our Crack the Code Dare! It’s fun and based off of “Wow 40: Light His Fire” found in our January giveaway book, 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband, by Pam Farrel. And you could win a prize in our January contest for emailing us ONE word!

Supplies: File folder, paper, pen, candle, matches, lingerie

As suggested in 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband, you are going to create “a red-hot code word that indicates you are interested in some sizzling sex.” Yes, you are Spy Master 2019 and your husband is the eager Code Breaker!

Pick your red-hot code word or phrase from the suggested list below or make up your own. If you have kids at home, you might want to pick an innocent sounding phrase you can say in the future in front of the children that will have a secret meaning for the two of you.


Write the words “TOP SECRET” on the file folder cover.

On the paper, write the words, “There’s a dangerous situation heating up inside of me, and only you can save the day with your specialized equipment! But first, you’ll have to crack the code! If you can figure out my red-hot code word below, it will gain you exclusive entrance to my safe house for spymasters. I’ll be waiting with an unlit candle in our bedroom. Knock twice, and if you can tell me the code word, I’ll light the candle indicating you get to light my fire! So, get cracking!”

Then add a simple key to figure out your code word. For example, if your code word is BINGO, you could write:

____    ____    ____    ____    ____

  2          9          14        7          15

A = 1  B = 2  C = 3  D = 4  E = 5  F = 6  and so on.

If your husband enjoys puzzles, you can make the code harder to break by doing an online search for “creating codes and ciphers.”

Put the paper in the folder and give it to your husband at a time when you’re ready for him to light your fire! Put the candle and matches on your nightstand, slip into some sexy lingerie and close your bedroom door. Once he knocks, tell him to enter, and ask for the code word. If he gets it right, light the candle and let the fun begin! Our Write-On Soy Massage Oil Candle is perfect for this Dare and is available in our online store.

Be sure to check out our Spotify playlist called Crack the Code Dare Playlist to add to your espionage-filled evening!

JANUARY CONTEST: Email your code word or phrase and your initials to dareofthemonth@cwives.com by Sunday, January 27, 2019, and you’ll be entered to win a prize to make your marriage sizzle! We’ll randomly select a winner and anonymously publish the code words in our February newsletter.

Dare of the Month Spotify Playlist

May 2024 Dare of the Month
Spotify Playlist
We’ve created the CWIVES Spotify channel with themed playlists customized for each month's Dare. Perfect for sexy and romantic (and occasionally funny) background music while you and your husband complete the Dare, or listen by yourself in advance to get inspired to do the Dares! Click the link below to enjoy:
Deck of Dares


40 fun and easy Dares to help you initiate sex with your husband!

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