September 2018 Dare of the Month!

This Month's Dare

September Gold Star Dare

Remember how much you loved getting gold stars on your school papers? Our September Gold Star Dare will help you and your husband be especially thoughtful and romantic this month, as well as have Gold Star Sex with each other!

Supplies: Paper, two index cards, pen, tape, gold star stickers or yellow marker, small bowl to hold stars

Make a list of thoughtful, romantic, or sexual favors and assign a point value to each of them. For example:

5 minutes of kissing = 1 gold star
10 minutes of massage = 2 gold stars
Surprising me with a little gift or treat = 5 gold stars
Sex in the shower = 5 gold stars

Put this point value list somewhere private. You don’t want your kids or mother-in-law finding it!

Next, write, “His Star Chart,” at the top of one index card and, “Her Star Chart,” at the top of the other. Tape them on the back of a closet door. Place the bowl of gold star stickers near the star charts, or if you are using a yellow marker to draw stars instead of using stickers, place the yellow marker near the charts. Also place a pen near the charts.

Tell your husband, “School is back in session. I think we both could use some incentives to improve our conduct scores.” Explain that if he says or does something you think is praiseworthy, you are going to award him a gold star. Likewise, he’ll award you a gold star if he sees you saying or doing something admirable. Saying, “Honey, I’m going to give you a gold star for that,” will quickly become an inside joke between the two of you during September!

As the gold stars add up, each person can redeem them for whatever they choose off the list you created. Use the pen to indicate which stars have been redeemed. We’ve created a Gold Star Sex Dare Playlist on Spotify for you to listen to to get you in the mood for gold star redemption, so turn it on to help you turn on!

All gold stars have to be redeemed by September 30 at midnight, so don’t delay in redeeming your stars!

SEPTEMBER 2018 CONTEST:  Total up the number of gold stars you and your husband earn together, along with your initials, and email us your total at or reply to this newsletter by Friday, September 28, at midnight ET. Whichever couple has the highest number of gold stars will win a prize to make their marriage sizzle! We will list the totals and initials on our Facebook page and on our website in October!

BONUS POINTS:  If you meet the 324 Club challenge in the month of September, you will earn 24 bonus points towards this month’s contest!

Dare of the Month Spotify Playlist

May 2024 Dare of the Month
Spotify Playlist
We’ve created the CWIVES Spotify channel with themed playlists customized for each month's Dare. Perfect for sexy and romantic (and occasionally funny) background music while you and your husband complete the Dare, or listen by yourself in advance to get inspired to do the Dares! Click the link below to enjoy:
Deck of Dares


40 fun and easy Dares to help you initiate sex with your husband!

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