For the time period of April 1 to April 25, 2018, keep track of every new location you have sex, inside and outside your home. Email your name and list of locations to by midnight April 25th. You can also reply to this newsletter with your locations and name.
We will choose two winners: 1) a random winner (so send in your info even if it’s just one location) and 2) the wife with the highest number of new locations. We’ll mail the winners a sexy prize to make their marriages sizzle even more! We will also do a blog post with the initials (we don’t publish names) and location lists of everyone who enters. (Have you seen the post with the sizzling stories from February’s Show and Tell Dare? Oo la la! The CWIVES staff is so proud of and inspired by these amazing wives!)
Put a reminder on your calendar to email us by April 25th and then start thinking of new locations! Let’s see…would we both fit in the pantry? 😉