Check out these sexy and inspiring stories from fun wives who did the September 2019 CWIVES Dare of the Month! The Dare challenged wives to spice up their sex life by following the CWIVES Sex Fan Club guidelines originally shared in Dr. Jennifer Degler’s book No More Christian Nice Girl (available autographed here).
When wives are “too nice” in the bedroom, they feel more like awkward, anxious, passive girls than sexually confident women who take active responsibility for their own pleasure. These stories below are from wives who picked at least one of the guidelines to put into practice this month so they could replace “too nice” with “full of spice!” It looks like the guideline about taking the Pretty Panties Pledge was a crowd favorite! You can read the September 2019 Dare here. Be sure to sign up for the free Dare of the Month email newsletter so you don’t miss a Dare!
We randomly chose the first story below by A.W. to win a prize guaranteed to make her marriage sizzle.
Story #1: My husband and I have a large chunk of time apart coming up, so mid-September we took a weekend away for just the two of us, and I was able to do a few things from September’s Dare! To prepare for the weekend, I did go out and buy some fun lacy panties! I DID NOT ask to turn the lights off and we kept them on during our times of physical intimacy. It was really hard to not apologize for my body and tried to be bold/confident instead! I really wanted to feel connected and relaxed with my husband, and our weekend was just that! We didn’t want it to end… now I have a hard time sharing my husband with my kids again, ha ha! Oh, and I did bring some lingerie, but we decided to stay in our room the whole time and not wear clothes! So fun! ~ A.W.
Story #2: I always check out the Dare of the Month, I enjoy reading them, but don’t have the courage yet to try them! I read the September Dare and there were so many guidelines to choose from and I saw: 2) Take the Cute Panties Pledge and throw away your old, raggedy, boring underwear. Invest in cute panties or thongs that make you feel secretly sassy under your clothing.
I thought to myself “I can do that one”. I went to the store and was a little uncomfortable looking through all of them, but found some that were white and lacy. I wore them the very next day. I was also wearing a plain white shirt and jeans. I started thinking, “He will not know about my new panties unless he sees them”. We went out that evening and when we returned home, I went to the laundry room and removed my jeans and came back to the living room in my white shirt and new sexy panties. He said ” love you in white, you are so sexy”. I don’t think I need to tell what happened next, but the very next day he sent me the nicest email, “I just want to remind you how much I love you and how extremely sexy you are. I’ve been with you 30 years and never want to be with anyone else, ever”… just from some new underwear! ~A.C.
Story #3: Since my husband is not a night owl like me at all and the fact that with 3 kids I’m pretty worn out at night and not thinking about being intimate, it’s a struggle to want to complete a dare. This month pushed me to be creative. While some kids were at school and the baby was napping, I wore a bit of lingerie near my husband’s home office space. When that didn’t work, I asked if he was done with his coffee cup and he finally looked away from the computer screen! I’d say we had a full of spice little mid day break from work! ~ S.D.
Story #4: The other day my husband and I were lounging around not doing anything in particular, asking what the other one wanted to do until we both just end up lying there the whole time. I’d just read my September DARE email and I thought to myself this is going nowhere and I’d really like to get the fire burning here, so I said, “why don’t you just stay right there, I want to check something out.” I got up and opened one of our moving boxes with certain pieces of colorful, silky, lacy items of clothing and proceeded to try each of them on in front of my husband. I’m 5 months pregnant and felt we needed a little humor and fun! Each one was a bit snugger than normal, as you can imagine, but also certain areas are more voluminous than usual too! The fun I had desired was definitely had; the last piece I tried on didn’t make it off 🙂 ~ H.E.
Story #5: Love the September dare. The old panties are gone and he loves to look at me in some of my smoking hot Victoria’s Secret lingerie. I feel sexy and he tells me how beautiful I am – it’s a win-win. Sex with the lights on is always a blast. We have Hue LED lights that we can make any colors. We will make love under deep crimson, or rich lavender, or golden sunset. We highly recommend that! Keep up the great work! ~ M.D.
Story #6: This month I ordered all new underwear. Ones that fit right, feel good, and are not falling apart! I threw away a ton of old pairs and was shocked to think how long I had actually had some of them. My husband told me that I needed to model each pair for him so he could make sure they fit right and look good from every angle! So happy I did this not just for me but for us, because he enjoyed my new undies too! ~ A.A.
Story #7: For the September contest, I did a combination of the 3rd idea (doing a previous dare) and 11th idea (praying for our sex life). I’ve had a previous dare printed out and ready to go for months now but never initiated it because of feeling a little vulnerable about it. We got through half the dare and it was a lot of fun! Afterwards, we blessed our sex life together. It felt like a fun way to mix things up, especially for the season we’re in of trying to conceive. I also think that this experience will help me feel more confident in initiating some of the dares in the future. ~ A.F.
Story #8: This month I used the Spotify playlist as suggested in dare #3 to get me more in the mood in the afternoon before my husband got home. It definitely helped me to be in the right frame of mind instead of just trying to jump right in like he can! M.E. (married for 4 months)
Story #9: I selected 1) Dig out your lingerie and begin coming to bed at least one night a month looking slinky instead of looking like you’re going to yoga class or are Ma Ingalls from “Little House on the Prairie.” I did this more than just one night per week and didn’t say anything to my husband. He never said anything but about a week ago, he was like, “Hey, what’s with all the lingerie?? Were you talking about this with your girlfriends?? You never wear this.” I think he was impressed that I wasn’t going to bed in a nursing top. Oh and we had sex several times a week. ~A.D.