
Are you looking for a speaker who enlightens, educates, and entertains at the same time?

Dr. Jennifer’s presentations are filled with humor, energy, and practical information that help people make positive changes in their lives and relationships.

Dr. Jennifer speaks to smaller groups LIVE via video conferencing! It’s easy and affordable!

Thank you so much for taking the time to do a live video presentation via Zoom on “Making Your Marriage Sizzle!” We all learned so much that will benefit our marriages, and in turn, our families. Your presentation was a perfect mix of education and wonderful humor! As young moms in the trenches, it was such a wonderful topic for us to hear and delivered just perfectly by you!

The room was a buzz after your “Making Your Marriage Sizzle” live video presentation. That was so fantastic! Such a blessing. Thank you for your time, your heart, and your wisdom. We are ready to dive into this and support each other as women in this group.

Speaking Sample:

Subject: No-More-Christian-Nice-Girl
This is an excerpt of a presentation from SOAR 2015 given in Lancaster, PA.

My most frequent speaking engagements are keynote addresses, female sexuality seminars, and leading retreats for married couples or women. Many of my presentations have Scriptures woven throughout them. I use real life examples from both my clinical practice and my own marriage and life. Whenever possible, I involve the audience in the presentation. My ultimate goal is to provide useful tools and techniques that audience members can immediately apply to their lives and relationships.

Speaking Topics:

Women's Events:

Jesus at the Beach: How to Find Contentment When the Unexpected Happens

A series of three sessions designed to create a women’s retreat filled with delightful laughter, practical biblical teaching, interesting small group discussions, and newfound contentment. Jesus at the Beach is Dr. Jennifer’s heart message after she struggled to find contentment during a difficult, loss-filled period in her own life.

As Dr. Jennifer teaches from John 21, women will see that when Jesus shows up at the beach, He comes bringing life-giving hope, refreshing encouragement, and eye-opening truths that set us free to embrace our life—even when it looks different than we expected.

John chapter 21 will come alive as your audience learns the 9 steps to finding contentment:

  1. Recognize and stop doing whatever is not working in our difficult situation.
  2. Do the right thing even when it’s hard.
  3. Get to Jesus even if we feel like a hot mess.
  4. Practice guilt-free, excellent self-care.
  5. Meet our real needs instead of accumulating stuff.
  6. Let Jesus redeem our regrets.
  7. Use our losses to love on others.
  8. Surrender to Jesus’ plan for our life.
  9. Quit comparing our situation and practice thankfulness instead.

Jesus at the Beach (JATB) includes three opportunities for small group discussion. Audiences love the opportunity to apply what they’ve just heard and to connect with each other.  Dr. Jennifer provides suggested discussion questions and tips for discussion leaders.

Creating a Life You Love

A four-session interactive workshop perfect for women’s retreats. Women love this fun and practical workshop because they spend an entire day focusing on their life and how to make it more satisfying and fulfilling. Each session can also stand alone as a 45 to 60 minute keynote address or breakout session.

Session One: Is Your Life Working for You?

  • Measuring your life satisfaction.
  • Using the Wheel of Life to assess where your life may be out of balance in 8 areas.
  • The “Wholehearted” Yes.
  • Getting rid of the “shoulds” in life.
  • Excuses we give for not saying “no.”
  • Learning to say “no” with grace and confidence.

Session Two: What’s Draining Your Life Energy?

  • Life energy and the Juice Box analogy.
  • Identifying and eliminating annoying energy drainers in 8 areas of life.
  • Making a top ten list of energy drainers on which to take action.
  • The 5 D’s of eliminating energy drainers.
  • Why do we procrastinate?
  • How to quit procrastinating.

Session Three: What’s Fueling Your Life?

  • Identifying negative and positive energy sources
  • Eliminating negative energy sources (adrenaline, sugar, caffeine, anxiety, recognition/approval/validation)
  • How Christian women get addicted to adrenaline and the negative effects on health
  • How to kick the adrenaline habit
  • Identifying positive energy sources in 8 areas of life
  • How to fuel your mind, body and soul in positive ways

Session Four: Does Your Life Honor Values?

  • What core values are and how they help us make better decisions
  • Exercises for identifying your core values
  • Your most meaningful or peak moments and how they illuminate your core values
  • How to use your core values to make better decisions that support God’s plan for your life
  • A 3-step plan for implementing change in your life

Each woman receives a workbook filled with exercises and questionnaires which are completed as part of the workshop. Jennifer also does life coaching demonstrations with audience volunteers, allowing the women to see powerful life changes happening right in front of their eyes. Scripture is woven in throughout the day, encouraging women to discover the abundant life God has designed for each of us. Audience interaction is encouraged, and women leave the retreat energized and ready to make positive changes in their lives. This seminar is very appealing to non-churched women so it makes a great community outreach event. A four CD set of this retreat with workbook is available for sale in my store.

Dr. Jennifer leading a breakout session on sex at Iron Sharpens Iron for Women of the Northeast.
Women of all ages listening to Dr. Jennifer at a "Creating a Life You Love" workshop.

No More Christian Nice Girl
Based on Jennifer’s book No More Christian Nice Girl: When Just Being Nice—Instead of Good—Hurts You, Your Family, and Your Friends, this seminar is for people-pleasers who want to transform into God pleasers. This eye-opening material equips women to model themselves after a complete picture of Jesus Christ (his gracious side and his firm side) so that their relationships work better as they learn to speak the truth in love.

The material can be tailed to your audience, so if you have many working women, Jennifer can include career material or if you have all married women, she can include marriage/physical intimacy material, etc. Your women will help introduce this presentation with an entertaining and easy ten-minute skit based on “A Day in the Life of Nice Girl Nicole.” Your group will also take a Nice Girl Quiz with the highest scorers receiving humorous Christian Nice Girl Survival Kits.

This material works well for a 35 minute keynote address (45 minutes including the skit) or breakout session but can also be expanded for an entire retreat. If time allows, women love a Q and A time where they can ask questions about their particular situations where they are acting “too nice.” There are always plenty of questions about how to set boundaries with emotionally abusive people, how to handle the inevitable guilt that comes from setting boundaries, and what to do when people resist your boundaries. You’ll see women taking notes, fast and furious, during the Q and A time as they learn specific language and techniques for handling necessary conflict with gracious firmness.

If your women’s ministry is hampered by power struggles, cattiness, or poorly handled conflict, this presentation will be an impetus for much-needed change.

Designed for married or hope-to-be-married women, this three hour seminar makes an unforgettable Girl’s Night Out or half-day workshop! Jennifer can also streamline the material for a one hour breakout session. She will have your audience laughing non-stop while they learn how to:

  • Increase their sexual desire and responsiveness
  • Make sex sizzle after children and menopause
  • Make peace with their hormones
  • Eliminate sexual pain and dysfunction
  • Help a low sexual desire husband (in over 20% of marriages, the husband isn’t interested in sex)
  • Cultivate a healthy, biblical view of sex.

Audience members receive a helpful 18 page outline. Fan the Flame comes with attractive, professionally designed promotional materials so all you need to do is add in your group’s information, and you are ready to print and promote! Women are hungry for this kind of information which guarantees you an excellent turnout. Fan the Flame is a fabulous community outreach event.

You can stage larger events with Dr. Jennifer conducting the seminar live, or you can stage your own smaller events by purchasing Dr. Jennifer’s Fan the Flame DVD.

Retreat Planning:

I enjoy helping plan retreats and have several helpful downloads available. These brief but informative PDF files have recommendations for what works well and what does not. You can download them for free by clicking the button.

Marriage Retreats:

For marriage retreats, I have developed the following sixty-minute presentations (all have handouts for participants). Some of these were developed to meet the specific requests of various retreat organizers:

Click for larger view


Passionate Intimacy

Boundaries in Marriage

Time Together: Just the Two of Us

5 Key Steps to Resolving Your Couple Conflicts

Appreciating Differences: How Couples Can Communicate Better

Love & Limits with Kids: Reality & Responsibility Discipline

Leaving & Cleaving: Making a Clean Break with Your Parents When You Marry

Making Your Marriage Sizzle*

*(for female participants only)

Each presentation is biblically based with scripture woven through the hour. I use both case examples and examples from my own marriage as illustrations, and also involve the audience whenever possible. My ultimate goal is to provide couples with practical tools, tips, and techniques for improving their relationship, while also inspiring and challenging them to settle for nothing less than the “oneness” God has planned for their marriages.

Couples consistently report that one of the most valuable parts of marriage retreats are the “knee-to-knee” times. After each presentation, couples are given questions to discuss covering the material just presented. Each couple finds a quiet place to discuss these questions, pray together, and apply new ideas and tools to their marriage. By going to my Store page, you can purchase audio CD’s of many of these presentations (with printed outlines), as well as listen to a free audio clip of each presentation.

By clicking on the blue box above labeled Retreat Planning, you can download free planning materials that will help you make your marriage retreat fun and effective. To inquire about bringing Dr. Jennifer from Lexington, KY to your location to speak, please complete the Speaking Inquiry Form below or email her directly at jennifer@www.jenniferdegler.com. Our goal is to get back to you within 2 business days. If you don’t hear from us, please give us a call at 859-685-7753 in case your email was lost in cyberspace.

Don't Miss My Apple Podcast!

Tip Talk with Dr. Jennifer Degler

Listen with your husband, your kids, your friends, or just by yourself. Click the link below to enjoy.

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Be the Strong, Confident, and Caring Woman You Were Meant to Be.



Podcast & Blog Categories

MP3 & Workbook


4 One-Hour MP3 Audio Sessions. Includes PDF workbooks for sessions.

4 Sessions

Speaking Inquiry Form

    Your Name: (required)

    Your Best Email: (required)

    Your Best Phone Number: (required)


    Your Organization's Name:

    Your Organization's Website:

    Your Event's Date:

    Your Event's Type/Theme:

    How many times to speak:

    Your Event's Location:

    Estimated No. of Attendees:

    Any Additional Information

    Speaking Testimonials:

    Our church hosted the first Fan the Flame: Igniting Sexual Intimacy in Marriage. This high-quality event attracted a large and enthusiastic audience from our community, and their response was overwhelmingly positive to Jennifer and her material. She has a heart for marriages….and people…and Jesus. It’s amazing how well Jennifer combines those to encourage the Body. She understands the struggles of marriage, relationships, and life, and she speaks with clarity to address them. Jennifer is a God-send to the church.



    We have had the privilege to host 5 marriage conferences in 3 different churches with Jennifer Degler as our keynote speaker.  Jennifer is upfront and bold  in her  commitment to honor Jesus Christ in all she does and it becomes obvious by spending even a small amount of time with her.   Jennifer’s presence and speech are non threatening and inviting to both men and women.  She has an excellent approach to put every participant at ease by engaging her audience with fun and effective group activities.  She is current with her information engaging with her audience and is authentic as she goes beyond just speaking by becoming involved with her participants on and off the stage.  Jennifer has the ability to communicate in a manner that is authentic and her humor draws her audience to grasp every word that she speaks.  Her information is thorough, current, accurate and is aligned with the accuracy of what scripture teaches.    She is one of  very few speakers today that we feel can approach the most difficult subjects that destroy many families today, be it finances, pornography, adultery, “me” complex, and the inability to communicate.

    Thank you so much for helping to make our first ever marriage retreat a complete success! Your presentations were organized, informative, humorous, but most of all, biblically sound! We had many testimonials the following Sunday about how the information had already made a difference in their marriage.

    You added a great combination of humor, wit, and excellent content to our married couples retreat…I pray that your opportunities to speak to couples will increase every year.

    Jennifer wove practical ideas, creativity, and faith into the mix and helped me develop the necessary tools to apply to future similar issues. Within just a few minutes of working with Jennifer, I knew I’d found that special “one-in-a-million” coach and I’ve never regretted that decision.

    Jennifer spoke at our annual ladies’ retreat in Jacksonville, Florida. Her genuine demeanor and sense of humor made the steps of growing from ordinary to extraordinary a lot more fun. I learned it was ok for me to say “No” and not feel guilty. Becoming a better manager of my time, projects and adrenaline level has helped me professionally, spiritually and personally. It’s a program I would like to hear every couple of years because Jennifer helps meet her audience where they’re at.

    Jennifer’s presentations are chock-full of USEABLE, apply-them-right-now ideas. If you have unchurched friends, Jennifer’s seminars are the perfect forum to introduce them to Christianity. Through her teaching, they will discover that the Bible is relevant to their everyday lives and they will laugh until they cry (and thus realize that we Christians have a lot of fun)!

    We are delighted to have you on our “A” list of preferred speakers/leaders.

    Thank you so much for coming to Lee’s Summit Community Church in April 2004 to speak. Your presentation was absolutely one of the best I’ve seen in years and possibly the most practical I have ever seen in my life! Highest kudos to you on all points: content, creativity, authenticity, delivery, humor, audience interaction, biblical foundation and on-target tools. I have heard one appreciative comment after another about your workshop, along with suggestions for inviting you back to speak to married couples. www.debistack.com